Why chase new talent if they're gone in a year?
NB: This webinar is in Danish, but you can add English subtitles by clicking ‘cc’ in the playback bar.
Employees are changing jobs like never before, and the high turnover rate makes it even more crucial for organizations to focus on maintaining job satisfaction - in the long term.
In this webinar, leadership consultant Vibeke Follmann will first provide an insight into the current recruitment situation in the Danish labor market.
With Ennova's extensive data collection as a foundation, Vibeke will illustrate how data can help us predict which employees are leaving our organizations and what it takes to (re)create job satisfaction among them.
You'll also learn how employee engagement changes over the years and why it's so important to work on job satisfaction in the early years of employment.
The webinar lasts approximately 30 minutes. You can add English subtitles by clicking 'cc' in the playback bar.

Vibeke Follmann
Vibeke er erhvervsantropolog med fokus på virksomhedskultur og ledelse. Hun hjælper organisationer med at få mest ud af deres engagement surveys og lignende, igennem ledertræning, coaching og kvalitativ dataindsamling. Vibeke er en erfaren formidler, foredragsholder og underviser.
Vibeke is a business anthropologist with a focus on corporate culture and leadership. She helps organizations get the most out of their engagement surveys and similar through leadership training, coaching, and qualitative data collection. Vibeke is an experienced communicator, speaker, and trainer.